The delicious taste of fresh produce. Like many, I'm a Pinterest addict. Every time I log on, I immediately want to get married, become a fashion blogger, and bake amazing cakes that resemble 7 wonders of the world. 

I'm a huge fan of making salads. Before starting my journey to becoming more aware of what I put into my body, I would make monstrous salads drained in killer condiments. 

Remember the recipe I shared with you for my signature Hulk Detox Green Juice? Well, I had tons of greens left over so I decided to take some of that and create a nice little garden salad. Well... something like that. 

If you're not a big fan of chard or spinach, why not? You should be. Spinach gives you awesome pecks and chard is quite delicious once you get over the "plant" taste (lol). Allow me to share with you how I created my new mini-specialty. It's quite delicious. 

Unfortunately, I wasn't prepared much so I used what I could that was organic ingredient. Of course the rainbow chard and spinach were bought through my local farmer's market, as well as the onion. 

Items Used:

-- Cup of Spinach
-- Cup of Rainbow Chard
-- Fresh Onion (sliced rings or diced)
-- Turkey Bacon Bits (store-bought)
-- Italian Dressing (store-bought)

The bacon bits I'm sure were not real, organic bits. The Italian dressing for sure wasn't the best option but I needed a little drizzle. Next time, I'll make sure to have something a bit more healthy. I hear making your own organic dressing saves tons of cash! I will surly try my best to make couple of bottles. 

Before making your salad, BE SURE to prep the produce accordingly. WASH, WASH, SIT, RINSE, WASH, and REPEAT those greens. Simply running your lettuce through water will not make them "clean". This is especially important if you're using bagged lettuce. Scary things live on produce so it's best to be safe.  I personally washed and allowed the produce to sit for the usual 10-20 minutes before rinsing and serving. 

I threw my cups of lettuce together, topped it with my sliced onions, and added a few crumbs of turkey bacon bits. To avoid consuming too much horror, I only used a small amount of Italian dressing to give the salad a little more bang. 

Easy peasy, eh? Give it a try with your selected items. It's soooo good. Enjoy!

What are your favorite salad items? Leave your comment s explaining below. Don;t forget to share with others :)